Have you considered making and packing your own delicious salad to take to work? Not only is it a great way to incorporate more veggies into your diet, but it's also easy to prepare.
Some tips to preparing salad lunch for work:
1) Use large, light containers for packing. Go for a larger, lighter container. It holds more food, doesn’t pack the ingredients together so tightly, and best of all, makes your salad so much easier to mix together.
2) Use fresh greens with a good mix of sturdier veggies. Avoid a salad with wilted greens by using freshly harvested greens (best if it's from a local farm! :D). Add studier veggies like kale and chard for a heartier mix.
3) Pack it right. Keeping other ingredients like cherry tomatoes, nuts, or seeds in small containers to add just before eating can help maintain the salad's texture.
4) Keep dressing doubly sealed to prevent spills. We don't want our salad, or worse, our bag to fall victims to leaking salad dressing!
So, try bringing your own salad lunch to work!